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the corn field. They flew up high and rose over the tree tops and lit in Lyon's Woods.
Went over in Maines Woods and saw a Hairy and a Downy Woodpecker. 
Saw a flock of American Goldfinches. 
There were about 20 Tree Sparrows along the river bank. 
Saw a pair of White breasted Nuthatches. They called to each other. There were a few Chicadees feeding in a brushpile. 
Saw no more till I got to the farther side 
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of Lyon's Woods where the Red bellied Woodpecker flew up from the ground and sneezed and called at me to see if I was dangerous. 
Heard a Brown Creeper call but did not see it. 
Another was over by the Hemlocks. 
There were a number of Hairy Woodpeckers here. 
On the farther side of the Hemlocks there were 25 Goldfinches and 10 Tree Sparrows feeding on ragweed. When alarmed they took to the trees with loud notes