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January 15, Tuesday.
This morning when I went down to look at my trap an Evening Grosbeak flew over giving a loud clear note like [[underline]]tseur [[/underline]]. 
Heard some Tree Sparrow. 

January 16, Wednesday. 
This evening the Downy Woodpecker came after sunset. It is a new one, a female. The male has disappeared. This one spends most of its time on the stick eating.

January 17, Thursday. 
The little Woodpecker 
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came this morning while were were eating breakfast. A female Hairy Woodpecker came and chased it away. After eating awhile It went down to where father had been splitting wood. It called loudly before going on the stick. Chicadees came and got grubs. Held small ones in bill for some time. Nuthatches, Juncoes and sparrows came.