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on the ice. The Bluejays had eaten them. Their wing marks were on the snow around them. Saw the Red-bellied Woodpecker. Followed clear over to the Hemlocks. We found 8 Phoebe's nests in a cave over there. 
By H. Hacketts on our way back we found a mouse that had been impaled on a pointed stick. The head and forequarters were eaten off. It was the [[^]]Northern Shrike[[/^]] common short-tailed meadow mouse. It was freshly eaten. Then we 
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went home. 

January 27, Sunday. 
This morning I went down in the fields in the Plum Orchard. I saw where a Blue jay had been digging something out of the snow in several places just before I came Saw it in the trees. It sat perfectly still grooming  itself. It would shake its feathers out and smooth them. I could hardly see it when it sat still in the thick branches. Went over to where that mouse was. It was