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instead it fed it the suet. 
The one that climbed around was timid and afraid of English Sparrows but the other was just the opposite. It would carry large pieces over to the church and put them between the bricks. It seemed to feel like a victorious rooster and spread its wings and tail and ruffled up and down the stick. The female Downy Woodpecker came and he was not disposed to leave. She advanced toward him threateningly and drove him to the end and then he left.
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February 9, Saturday. 
This morning I jumped bobs [[?]]. Heard some grosbeaks out south. Some Prairie Horned Larks were flying around. Beyond fields over there were about a dozen of them in the road. They were quite tame. The males sat on the fence posts and sang. They walked with a dove like motion through the snow. They reached up and picked the seeds from the ragweed. They had little short ear tufts. Rode out to Will Blacks and saw a Great Owl that he had.