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He kept it in an ice house. When we went in it was on a rafter. He tried to poke it down. He would push its body back until it level with the rafter before it would let go. Finally it lit at my feet. It would hoot if you stroked its head. It would not bite. He fed it once in 3 days. It was small and I think that it was a male. 
Then we went home. 
February 10, Sunday. 
This afternoon it was quite warm. Went out by Lyons to watch
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Prairie Horned Larks. There was a flock of five by Jansens. They were quite tame. They would let teams drive up close by them. They were very busy getting food. One sang. That one drove the others away. One other gave a little quivering song and the first one chased it all the time. One browner and grayer than the rest kept off to one side. 
Heard the [[underlined]] wick wick wick [[/underlined]] of a Flicker from over in Sproul's woods. Went over as fast as I could. I listened around and finally heard a tapping