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This morning the boys and I heard a Northern Shrike sing but I forgot to mention it. It whistled and gave a spluttering bubbling note it sounded very nice. The notes were given singly. The bird was by Englemans swimming hole. It sat near the middle of a tree across the river from us. After a while it flew over farther. It did not seem afraid.
March 18 Monday. 
This morning about 6:30 I went down in the fields. I could hear 

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Bluebirds and Prairie Horned Larks all over. Two Bluebirds lit on a tree by the Church. Went down in Maine's woods. Heard the Tree Sparrows singing. They did not sing a long song. It was about as long as the Song Sparrows. Heard a [[underlined]] chuck [[/underlined]] and looking up saw a Bronzed Grackle. It sang. I watched it out of sight. Some other birds flew over calling that I did not recognise. They had notes something like those of the