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went over to see it. 
Saw two Meadowlarks sitting in the trees along the river. They sang. Heard another farther over. The Blackbird was a male. It was in the top of an elm. 
Jim Seeley came down and we went over in the Plum Orchard. Heard the Northern Shrike sing. It was the same song The Nuthatches were singing too. A Tree sparrow gave a note like [[underlined]] pees-wees [[/underlined]] and I thought it was a Spotted sandpiper. Then we went to school. 

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Tonight after school I went down in the fields. It was chilly but was melting. The sun was partly obscured. The wind was from the east and blew quite hard. 
Heard the crows and Prairie Horned Larks as usual. 
Jim Seeley came down and we went over on the island. Saw a Marsh Hawk. It flew over to the hill. Then went home. 
March 19, Tuesday [[erased text]]
This morning every thing