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The ones that remained were male and female. They faced each other and slowly began to wag their tails. They raised them higher and higher and finally their tails and bodies were straight up. It reminded me of a pump handle. I think that the nest will be in a hollow near them. There were a number of Song and Tree sparrows in the marsh. 
After breakfast, Art Rudy, Jim Seeley, Clarence Cook and I went over to the Hemlock Bluffs. While 

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at Seeleys we heard numbers of birds singing in the marsh. It was a bright with a few clouds. It grew dark later. Heard some Meadowlarks In Fiske's Pasture. Saw a number of Robins, Song Sparrows were very thick. 
In Voll's Marsh a Phoebe flew by me as I sat on a log. I followed and saw it pick up a few insects. It was very wild. Went over to [[?Kapelke's]]. Heard a Killdeer several times. Prairie Horned Larks were quite numerous.