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I thought it was a Red-head at first. The bird had a hole in the top of a stub. Saw another cutting out a hole. Saw two Flickers. Then we went home. 

March 24, Sunday. 
This morning it was dark. It had been raining. I went down in the fields. The river was very high. Heard a Killdeer. There was quite a flock of Bluejays across the river. Two Crows lit below Hacketts in a tree quite near the house. Went over where the 

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Prairie Horned Larks were below Hacketts. The males chased each other all the time. Found 3 of their roosting places that had been used for some time. One bird used each. They were about 3 feet apart. They were just places, there were no hollows. Went over in Seeley's Marsh. Then I went home. 

After breakfast I went over in T. Hacketts woods. In the east side of the woods I saw nothing but two Brown Creepers.