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In the west side were a number of birds. A Winter Wren met me with a sharp [[underlined]] chimp [[/underlined]] not harsh and then disappeared. There were a number of Juncoes & Bluebirds here. 
A Nuthatch got a cocoon and hammered it into pieces. It dropped but caught it before it reached the ground. Heard a Red-bellied Woodpecker. Went over across the railroad track. Saw about 200 Evening Grosbeaks in scattering flocks. The males chased 

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each other like streaks of lightning. Occasionally two had a fight where they were feeding on the ground. There were a great number of Robins with them. They sang. The Grosbeaks were rather shy of being seen on the ground. Went into the eastern part of the woods where I had never been before. Saw a flock of about 40 bluebirds. A Red-Bellied Woodpecker was excavating a nest. Then I went home. 
