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at Kapilke's
On my way home I heard a Fox Sparrow sing
Then I went home.
March 25 Monday.
This morning when I got up it was raining. A flock of 10 Bronzed Grackles lit in Mrs. Russel's trees. Soon all left but one. He seemed to have taken possession.
After breakfast I went down in the fields. The river was very high. I could just manage to get into Maine's woods
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There was a dry strip about a foot wide leading to them. there was a large flock of Tree Sparrows here just arrived from the south. They sang and fought among themselves. There were a great number of Song Sparrows also. The Meadowlarks were thick especially in Fiske's pasture. In his meadow I saw the first White-rumped Shrike of the year. It was very tame and fearless. It sat with its tail well elevated and its head up and had a very alert expression. It ate an angle worm.