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by the depot.
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April 7, Sunday.
This morning after breakfast I went over across the railroad tracks on Northrups.  Heard a Vesper Sparrow sing.  The Juncoes, Song Sparrows and goldfinches were singing with all their might.  Saw a Phoebe give a flight song.  It hovered in the air and said [[underlined]] Pewee [[/underlined]] very fast and then gave a queer note.  Went over across the bridge.  There were a great number of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers here.  I could

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hear them drumming and calling in all directions.  They were mating already and were very noisy.  The woods were filled with evening grosbeaks.  There were over 200 of them.  They were screaming and fighting all the time.  A few were singing but I could catch only occasional notes in the general racket.  Went over towards the Tamarack Swamp.  The Juncoes Song, Tree and Fox Sparrows were thick here.  heard a male Fox Sparrow singing in a low tone like a Catbird.  He was not all wild.