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its birth intoxicated the wires and caused them to delay for months its delivery [[inset]]to[[/insert]] me.  Small blame to the wires!  They seldom have such a chance!  They [[insert]](the wires)[[/insert]] would have been revelling in their drunk till now had not my thirst on returning from a trip to the Nankon Pass appealed to their sense of right and caused them to pity my thirst.  So, they reluctantly passed it the cablegram - along to me and this morning for the first, I am able to reply.  The brand I am sure was famous and the vintage rare, better than the sort I have
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been sucking out of the Hwang Ho and Yangtze Keiang!  I hope that the dinner strengthened the Mexican ties and that success there will follow.  You are keeping well, too, I trust. I fear that the summer has been a hard one for you and you have often been in my mind.  I always wish for you some opening in business that will please you and occupy your time profitably.  I have been on a keen jump since seeing you last and have succeeded beyond my hopes in securing information which Prof Tenallosa and I
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