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Feb 3, 1907

[[preprinted]] DAMPER "PRINZESS ALICE"[[/preprinted]]

[[image - flag with key and anchor logo]]

[[preprinted]] NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD BREMEN. [[/preprinted]]

make, seemed to me, in certain suggestions, finer in spirit and older.  It seemed to me that the question was too important to depend ^[[altogether]] upon the scanty ideas of others, for it was certain that a collection such as mine would lose much of it's interest to future scholars unless it was [[underline]] properly and as accurately as possible [[/underline]]. 
[[underline]] Classified. [[/underline]]  I feel also the absolute necessity of having in my collection some specimens, at least, of the Egyptian wares, if after seeing the very best of them in their original home, they impressed me deeply in all 
