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[[underline]] Introduction of Legislation [[/underline]]

Mr. Ripley reviewed the status of the legislative programs of the Smithsonian Institution for the 93rd Congress. In addition to bills now being proposed, Mr. Ripley stated that other possible legislation would relate to a radio-radar telescope and to a bill which would establish certain senior level positions in the Smithsonian Institute in the Executive Level Salary Scale. Further information will be furnished after the Regents' Study Group organized under the Chairmanship of Caryl Haskins makes its report relating to compensation of senior positions at the Smithsonian Institution. 

[[underline]] Museum Support Facilities [[/underline]]

A legislative history, justifications statement, and a draft bill were previously mailed to the Regents. Previous approval for this legislation had been granted by the Board of Regents as indicated in the following history of the proposed bill to plan and construct museum support and depository facilities for the Smithsonian Institution.
The consensus of the Committee was to support the Secretary in seeking enactment of this bill. The following resolution was proposed and it was:

VOTED that the Congressional Members of the Board of Regents be requested to introduce and support legislation that would authorize the Smithsonian Institution to plan museum support facilities.