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[[underlined]] Board of Trustees, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden,
Proceedings of the Meeting of November 16, 1972, Held at the 
National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C. [[/underlined]]

Following a tour of the construction site led by Gordon Bunshaft, the 4th meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden was called to order by Daniel P. Moynihan, Chairman.
Other members present were: 

S. Dillon Ripley
H. Harvard Arnason
Leigh Block
George H. Hamilton
Taft B. Schreiber

Also present were staff members Brooks, Bradley, Blitzer, Lerner, MacAgy, and Sefekar. Other guests included Representative John Brademas,
Mr. Joseph H. Hirschhorn, and Mr. Gordon Bunshaft.

[[underlined]] Minutes of May 13, 1972 [[/underlined]]

The minutes of the May 13, 1972 meeting were previously circulated to each Trustee. On motion by Mr. Schrieber, seconded by Mr. Block, it was

VOTED that the minutes of May 13, 1972 meeting, as previously circulated, be approved. 

[[underlined]] Report of Committee on Collections [[/underlined]]

Mr. Arnason, chairman of the Committee on Collections, proposed the addition to the Committee of two new members, both eminent authorities on modern art. They are Dr. William Seitz of the University