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BURDEN, WILLIAM ARMISTEAD MOALE, financier; b. N. Y. C., Apr. 8. 1906; s. William A. M. and Florence Vanderbilt (Twombly) B.; A. B. cum laude, Harvard, 1927; D. Sc., Clarkson Coll. Tech., 1953; LL. D., Fairleigh Dickinson U., 1965, Johns Hopkins U., 1970;m. Margaret Livingston Partridge, Feb. 16, 1931; children--William A. M. (dec.), Robert Livingston, Hamilton Twombly, Ordway Partridge. Analyst aviation securities Brown Bros., Harriman & Co., N. Y. C., 1928-32; charge of aviation research Scudder, Stevens & Clark, N. Y. C., 1932-39; v.p., dir. Nat. Aviation Corp., aviation investment trust, N.Y.C., 1939-41; v.p. Def. Supplies Corp. (subsidiary RFC), 1941-42; spl. aviation asst. Sec. of Commerce, 1942-43; mem. NACA, 1942-47, asst. Sec. Commerce for Air, 1943-47; U. S. del. Civil Aviation Conf., 1944; chmn. U. S. delegation interim assembly Provisional Internat. Civil Aviation Orgn., 1946; aviation cons. Smith Barney & Co., Inc., 1947-49; partner William A. M. Burden & Co., 1949--; spl. asst. for research and devel. to Sec. of Air Force, 1950-52; mem. Nat. Aeros. and Space Council, 1958-59; U.S. ambassador to Belgium, 1959-61; mem. U.S. Citizens Commn. for NATO, 1961-62; dir. Am. Metal Climax, CBS, Inc., Mfrs. Hanover Trust Co. (hon.). Chmn. bd. Inst. for Def. Analyses, 1961--; trustee, past pres., chmn. Mus. Modern Art; gov. Soc. of N. Y. Hosp., 1950--; trustee Columbia, 1956--, Fgn. Service Edn. Found., French Inst. in U. S., Regent Smithsonian Instn., 1962--; bd. dirs. Atlantic council U. S., 1961--; bd. govs. Atlantic Inst., 1964--. Decorated comdr. Cruzeiro do Sul (Brazil), comdr.'s cross Order of Merit (Fed. Republic of Germany), grand official El Sol del Peru (Peru), grand officer French Legion of Honor, comdr.'s cross Order of Merit (Italy), grand cordon Order of Leopold (Belgium), asso. comdr. (Bro.) Order of St. John Mem. Council Fgn. Relations (dir.), Am. Inst. Aeros. and Astronautics, France-Am Soc. (pres.), Confrerie des Chevaliers du Tastevin. Clubs: Somerset (Boston, Mass.); The Brook, Racquet and Tennis, River, Links, Century, Downtown Assn. (N. Y. C.); Metropolitan, Chevy Chase, Cosmos (Washington); Buck's and White's (London); Travelers (Paris). Author: The Struggle for Airways in Latin America, 1943. Address: 630 Fifth Av. New York City N. Y. 10020.