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[[underlined]] HASKINS, CARYL PARKER [[/underlined]]

Educator, research scientist; b. Schenectady, Aug. 12, 1908; s. Caryl Davis and Frances Julia (Parker) H.; Ph.B., Yale, 1930; Ph.D., Harvard, 1935; D.Sc., Tufts Coll., 1951, Union Coll., 1955, Northeastern U., 1955, Yale, 1958, Hamilton Coll., 1959, George Washington U., 1963 LL.D., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 1960. U. Cin., 1960, Boston Coll., 1960, Washington and Jefferson Coll., 1961, U. Del., 1965; m. Edna Ferrell, July 12, 1940. Staff mem. research lab. Gen. Electric Co., Schnectady, 1931-35; research asso. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1935-45; pres., research dir. Haskins Labs., Inc. 1935-55, dr., 1935--, Chmn. bd., 1970--; pres. Carnegie Instn. of Washington, 1956-71, also trustee. Dir. E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co. Asst. liaison officer OSRD. 1941-42, sr. liaison officer, 1942-43; exec. asst. to chmn. NDRC, 1943-44, dep. exec. officer, 1944-45; sci. adv. bd. Policy Council, Research and Devel. Bd. of Army and Navy, 1947-48; cons. Research and Develop. Bd., 1947-51, to sec. of def., 1950-60, to sec. of state 1950-60; mem. President's Sci. Adv. Com., 1955-58, cons., 1959--; mem. President's Nat. Adv. Commn. on Libraries, 1966-67; mem. Joint U.S.-Japan Com. on Sci. Coop., 1961-67, cons., 1967--. Internat. Conf. Insect Physiology and Entomology; panel advisers Bur. East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Dept. of State, 1966-68. Trustee Carnegie Corp. N.Y., 1955--, Rand Corp., 1955-65, 66--; fellow Yale Corp., 1962--; regent Smithsonian Instn., 1956--;bd. dirs. Council Fgn. Relations, 1961--, Population Council, Ednl. Testing Service, Center for Advanced Study in Behavioural Scis., Inst. Current World Affairs, Arctic Inst. N.Am., Schenectady Trust Co., Woods Hole Oceanographic Instn., Nat. Geog. Soc., Franklin Book Programs, 1953-58, Council on Library Resources, Pacific Sci. Center Found., Asia Found., Marlboro Coll. Mem. vis. coms. Harvard Overseers Com., Johns Hopkins U.; bd. visitors, Tulane U. Recipient Certificate of Merit (U.S.), 1948, Kings Medal for Service in Cause of Freedom (Gt. Britain), 1948. Fellow Am. Phys. Soc., A.A.A.S. (dir.), Am. Acad. Arts and Scis., N.Y. Zool. Soc., Pierpont Morgan Library, Royal Entomol. Soc. (Gt. Britain), Entomol. Soc. Am.; mem. Washington Acad. Scis., Royal Soc. Arts (Benjamin Franklin fellow), Faraday Soc., Met.Mus. Art, Am. Mus. Natural History, Am. Philos. Soc., Brit. Assn. Advancement Sci., Audubon Soc., Save-the-Redwoods League, West Australian Naturalist Soc., Biophys. Soc. Nat. Acadm. Sci. N.Y. Acad. Scis., N.Y. Bot. Garden, P.E.N.,