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The Museum's collections of approximately sixteen million artifacts of history are unparalleled in any other institution of the world.  Of this number approximately one half are related to the history of science and technology. A feature article in the July 28, 1966 issue of the literary supplement of [[underlined]] The London Times [[underlined]] (page 659) noted that "The Museum of History and Technology of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington now contains the largest concentration of young and able specialist historians of science in the western world..."

The Dibner Library, if accepted by the Regents, would provide the Museum with a unique opportunity, such as has not been possible before anywhere in the world since the creation of the great Mouseion at Alexandria in the third century B.C., for it makes it possible to combine under one roof the largest collection of scientific artifacts and the largest existing single staff of subject specialists with the finest library resource on the subject, a combination which would serve as a magnet to attract important scholars and students from all over the world.

It was explained that our current budget appropriation request contains planning funds for eventual construction of a sixth floor atop the Museum of History and Technology Building to house this collection as well as other rare books on science and technology and which will also provide for study space for visiting scholars. The estimated cost of this 6th floor is around $3 million to $4 million.

It was therefore proposed that the Board of Regents adopt the following resolution and it was: