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Mr. S. Dillon Ripley
May 10, 1974
Page 2.

agreed upon time schedule the gift collection will be selected by myself in cooperation with a named Smithsonian representative, preferably Mr. Bedini, who will be assisted by a rare book librarian, and transferred to the Smithsonian. It is anticipated that duplicate materials and materials not appropriate to the gift collection will remain with the Burndy Library.

The gift collection transferred to the Smithsonian Institution will be designated as the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology, with a separate and distinct identity from the Burndy Library remaining at Norwalk. Although this gift collection will be identified as indicated, in the catalogue and the use of a bookplate, it is understood and agreed that other Smithsonian Libraries holdings and future gifts in the subject field may be integrated into the Dibner Library. 

It is our understanding that if accepted, the Smithsonian will house the gift collection in an appropriately designed and constructed rare book facility within the National Museum of History and Technology, and this facility will bear the name of the Dibner Library. It is contemplated that this facility will be incorporated into the sixth floor addition presently being planned for the National Museum of History and Technology.

Mr. Silvio A. Bedini has suggested that as an interim measure a significant selection of the gift collection could be housed in a controlled atmosphere and secure rare book room on the fourth floor and in an exhibit area on the first floor which could be made available within the existing facilities of the National Museum of History and Technology. Such an arrangement will be most agreeable.

It is my understanding that the Regents and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution have assigned a very high priority to the sixth floor addition to the National Museum of History and Technology and will actively seek the funds required for the project at the earliest possible date.

It is furthermore understood that the Smithsonian Institution will make every effort to fulfill the above representations with respect to the sixth floor addition but that the Institution has no power to commit in advance the use