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[[underlined]] PAINTINGS - PURCHASES [[/underlined]]

[[four column table]]

JAY BACKSTRAND | [[underline]] Songs of Sleep #2 [[/underline]] 1973 | oil and wax on canvas | Museum Purchase (The Fountain Gallery of Art) 

GEORGE LORING BROWN | [[underline]] View of the Temple of Peace [[/underline]] 1864 | oil on canvas | Possible Museum Purchase (Victor D. Spark) 

GEORGE LORING BROWN | [[underline]] Italian Landscape Near Florence [[/underline]] 1846 | oil on canvas | Museum Purchase (Victor D. Spark) 

SIMEON GRISWOLD | [[underline]] Conversion of Paul [[/underline]] 1857 | oil on canvas | Possible Museum Purchase (Mrs. Thomas E. Ennis) 

GEORGE JOHANSON | [[underline]] Self-Portrait with Tropical Box [[/underline]] 1972 | oil on canvas | Museum Purchase (Sally Judd Gallery 

FRANK LOBDELL | [[underline]] November 1953 Number 1 [[/underline]] 1953 | oil on canvas | Possible Museum Purchase (Martha Jackson Gallery)    

JACK PORTLAND | [[underline]] Toot Toot, the Fog [[/underline]] 1972 | tempera, oil and pencil on paper | Museum Purchase (The Fountain Gallery of Art) 

UNIDENTIFIED ARTIST (after Thomas Cole) | [[underline]] The Voyage of Life - Youth [[/underline]] (1860's - '70) | oil on canvas | Possible Museum Purchase (Weaver B. Hatcher, Weaver Roderick Hatcher) 

[[underline]] MINIATURES - PURCHASES [[/underline]] 

JOHN CARLIN | [[underline]] James Suydam [[/underline]] (1859) | watercolor on ivory | Museum Purchase (Adam A. Weschler & Son) 

JOHN CARLIN | [[underline]] Mrs. James Suydam (Charlotte Heyer) [[/underline]] 1859 | " " "[[ditto for watercolor on ivory]] | " " " " " "[[ditto for Museum Purchase (Adam A. Weschler & Son)]]