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The financial results for fiscal year 1975 are expected to be minimal due to our having received advances against royalties during the last two fiscal years.  The outlook for fiscal year 1976 and later years, however, remains optimistic.

[[underlined]]Endangered Flora[[/underlined]]

Section 12 of PL93-205, The Endangered and Threatened Species Conservation Act on 1973 authorized and directed the "Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, in conjunction with other affected agencies... to review (1) species of plants which are now or may become endangered or threatened and (2) methods of providing adequate protection to such species, and to report to Congress, within one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the results of such review including recommendations for new legislation or the amendment of existing legislation."

The Smithsonian in order to carry out this provision of the Act has budgeted $52,000, one-quarter of which will be obligated from the FY74 funds, the remaining sum out of FY75 monies.  The money will be spent on the preparation and coordination of data on plant species in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands and Guam.  In addition, a conference will be held in order to draft management regulations which could be applied to flora in order to increase its conservation.

Additional monies for the program will be sought from the Departments of Agriculture and Interior, the World Wildlife Fund and the Garden Clubs of America.  The Department of the Interior has already expressed a willingness to grant $15,000 towards this program.