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[[underlined]] The American Experience [[/underlined]]


American Revolution Bicentennial Program

[[underlined]] INTRODUCTION [[/underlined]]

For the past five years the Smithsonian has engaged in planning and developing a major program for the observance of the Bicentennial.  The result is a broad and impressive list of twenty-two separate projects involving thirteen bureaus of the Institution.  As we go into final construction, installation, and publication phases, it is gratifying to report that the Institution has received encouragement and considerable support for the program from our Congressional Subcommittees on Appropriations, the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration, the Bicentennial Coordination Center, and a number of other Federal Agencies including the Department of Interior. 

The program commences this June with the opening of our first Bicentennial exhibition, "In the Minds and the Hearts of the People:  Prologue to the American Revolution, 1760-1774."  The realization of the other projects will follow consistently thereafter climaxing with the opening of the new National Air and Space Museum on July 4, 1976.  The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, opening this October, will also provide a new experience for many visitors during 1976.

Following is a program schedule and description of those projects specially funded by the Bicentennial appropriations.  The project are categorized under four major headings:  Bicentennial Exhibitions, Traveling Exhibitions, Special Bicentennial Projects, and Major Scholarly Projects.