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of the continuing traditions which have survived in contemporary life, will be shown together with present-day Indian expressions developing in urban and industrial life.

Working Americans, the fourth Festival theme, will be concerned with demonstration of occupational skills and the sometimes complex systems of folk expression that develops in these occupations. The emphasis here is on the person rather than the machine, and material to be covered includes occupational traditions, jokes, rituals, beliefs, customs, and language. Workers from some ninety different trades, crafts, arts, and professions will be shown in their everyday environments. Among those who will provide demonstrations are workers who feed and clothe us, build our shelters, and man our intricate systems of communications.

The fifth theme is Regional America. Here, house types and farm implements, types of breads and other forms of cookery, material crafts such as chairs or quilts, even verbal systems will be viewed from a geographical perspective.

II. [[underline]] Bicentennial Outdoor Museum [[/underline]]

The Bicentennial Outdoor Museum is planned in cooperation with the National Park Service as a living-history museum recreating the camp life of the citizen soldier during the Revolution. There will be a continuous flow of activities ranging from colorful parades, infantry and artillery drills, and fife and drum music to construction of field fortifications, blacksmithing, and harness making -- all performed with careful attention to accurate, historical detail. Through the program, visitors will have an opportunity to see the life of an eighteenth century garrison and to get a feeling of America during the Revolutionary Period in a dramatic and authentic setting.

[[underline]] MAJOR SCHOLARLY PROJECTS [[/underline]]

I. [[underline]] Inventory of American Paintings Before 1914 [[/underline]]

The National Collection of Fine Arts' [[underline]] Inventory of American Paintings Before 1914 [[/underline]] is engaged in searching for and recording the whole range of American paintings from the earliest years of our history to the present century. This comprehensive directory will significantly extend the available resources for study of