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Major suggestions resulting from the conference, which may affect future directions and operations of Smithsonian activities and programs, can be itemized as follows:

A. The public-private operations of the Smithsonian have been basic characteristics since the Institution's establishment. With cooperative ventures among governments and private enterprises on the increase, the Institution should try to capitalize on its dual nature. In this manner, flexibility in program planning and in the setting of priorities can be maintained. In planning the future of the Institution, every effort should be made to avoid administrative stagnation and bureaucratic growth. Channels of communication should be strengthened and remain open among the staff members.

B. Special emphasis and attention should be given to Institutional exhibitions, collections and collections management including conservation and restoration of objects, and the growth needs of the Zoo.

C. Scientific research has always been of high priority to the Institution, but public concern and pressing contemporary issues may affect the Institution's ability to obtain support in the near future. A strong effort should be made to obtain needed support and, at the same time, rethink how current science funds can be best applied to traditional research endeavors. Of particular importance is support for fellowships, distinguished curators, and project research.

D. For the past six years, the Smithsonian has been establishing and developing a meaningful Bicentennial program. The Institution now needs to request support for the logistics of carrying through with this program. The next budget cycle, FY 1976, represents the last opportunity to make such a request to the White House and to Congress. Furthermore, internal cooperation and coordination are required for successfully implementing the support aspects of the Bicentennial activities. Actions and suggestions for pursuing this implementation are contained in the body of the report.