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E. The Smithsonian has been successful to date in its FY 1975 argument for support resources across the Institution. This important result stemmed from the program and priorities approach developed during the conference at Belmont in February of last year. While conferences are helpful in precipitating common approaches and unified resource presentations to the government and other sources of support, the coming budget cycle will be adjusted to allow more advance time for the development and review of bureau and organization goal statements and operational plans for the year immediately ahead, FY 1975. This added step should result in better communications between central management and bureau administration. In the process, a reasonably standard categorization of Institutional programs will be developed which will have utility for unit self-evaluation, help portray the full range of activities conducted by the bureaus, and be usable to capture requirements for incorporation into next fall's budget request to the White House.

F. Over the next few years, some flexibility is expected in the Institution's private unrestricted funds, and possible application of these funds may include increasing the principal on the unrestricted endowment funds, payment of interest on restricted fund balances, sharing of museum shop profits, and enlarging the fluid research funds.

G. The problems associated with potential Museum of Man must thought through. The concept needs to be refined and related to the existing activities.

H. Planning for facilities should be preceeded by program planning. In the years ahead, a greater congruency in program and capital planning should be developed. Institutional priorities should emerge which have the support of all bureaus. While the Institution is still in the initial stages of planning for the much-needed Museum Support Facility, the efforts to date in building bureau and outside support have been successful, and are illustrative of the congruency between Institutional program and capital planning which might transpire in the future.