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This collection was purchased by special direction of Congress. Mr. Perkins made application through [[strikethrough]] his own [[/strikethrough]] ^[[his]] Senators and Representatives [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[from Wisconsin and]] Congress, on their recommendation, took the initiative, referring the proposition to the Director of the Museum for his opinion. [[strikethrough]] and recommendation. [[/strikethrough]] This was given by Dr. Goode in a letter addressed to the Chairman of the Committee of Appropriations of the [[strikethrough]] Seante, [[/strikethrough]] Honorable W. B. Allison, and I was instructed to confer with the Committee, give them such information as they might ask and make such explanations as might be needed concerning these copper prehistoric objects. All the usual appropriation bills had been passed before this time, save that for Deficiencies, and the provision was inserted in the Deficiency Bill which finally became a law and appropriated for this purpose the sum of $7.000. The objects were received in due course and the money paid.
At the commencement of the negotiations Mr. Perkins' collection consisted of 422 objects, but