Viewing page 26 of 119

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13.  Water bottle --- animal-shaped.
14.  " " [[dittos for: Water bottle]] Truxillo.
15.  " " " [[dittos for: Water bottle Truxillo.]]
16.  " " " [[dittos for: Water bottle Truxillo]] Inca chief dining.
17.  " " " [[dittos for: Water bottle]] Chancay --- bird-shaped.
18.  " " " [[dittos for: Water bottle]] Human figure.
19.  Vase
20.  Water bottle --- black ware.
21.  " " " " [[dittos for: Water bottle --- black ware.]]
22.  " " " " [[dittos for: Water bottle --- black ware.]]
23.  " " [[dittos for: Water bottle]] [[underlined]] huaca con peto [[/underlined]] or whistling huaca.
24.  " " [[dittos for: Water bottle]] black ware.
25.  Vase.  Truxillo.
26.  Water bottle " [[ditto for: Truxillo]] painted and ornamented in relief with hunting scenes.
27.  Water bottle, Chancay --- imitation of a shell ornamented and painted with incised lines.
28.  Water bottle --- bird-shaped.
29.  Vase fromCasma --- imitation of human skull.
30.  Water bottle, Chancay --- black ware, figures of birds in relief.
31.  Water bottle, Ancon --- grotesque figures of two monkey's sitting together.