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Acc. 23752 --- Dr. Chas. M. Stubbs, Wakefield, Pennsylvania --- Nineteen stone "picks" and five fragments of potstone vessels, found near Wakefield, Lancaster Co., Pa.  In his letter of transmittal, Dr. Stubbs says, "These implements (the picks) were used in the manufacture of potstone vessels by the Shawnee Indians, who at one time occupied this country;"  24 specimens.

This is a complete outfit of a workshop quarry for the making of soapstone vessels, [[strikethrough]] a subject which has interested the Bureau of Ethnology considerably.  Mr. Holmes has been investigating them in this District, and I think with all that he has found, the display will not equal that given us by Dr. Stubbs. Sufficient to be said, [[/strikethrough]] ^[[&]] it extends the working of soapstone to a wider locality.  I [[strikethrough]] am [[/strikethrough]] hope, at some future time, by letters of inquiry or circulars to determine the extent of the working of soapstone by the aborigines.