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Acc. 23727 --- John G. Webb, Osprey, Florida --- Two pieces of sandstone rock containing fossil human bones; vertebrae and ribs, found on Section Ten, Township 37, S. Range 18, E. Little Sarasota Bay, Florida.

The two accessions by Judge Webb, 23727 & 24115, and the one by Col. Wilcox, represent three different prehistoric individuals from the same neighborhood.

The third find, also by Judge Webb, was in 1890 and consisted of the thorax of a human being.  These were seven vertebrae and the same number of ribs.  These were fossilized and encased and solified in stratified sandstone.

These specimens coming, as they do, from Florid which is of a late geologic formation, whether Tertiary or Quaternary is needless to describe, where a former specimen of human remains was found by Count Portales, they become of increased importance and value as evidence of the high antiquity of man in America.  I propose to utilize these