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another. The necessity for this change was increased by the order given by he Director^[[on my recommendation removing]] [[strikethrough]] of the replacing of [[/strikethrough]] the fourteen ^[[temporary]] tables ^[[with legs.]] [[strikethrough]] which had before been only in temporary use. [[/strikethrough]] They had been made of soft wood[[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] originally[[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] for use in some Exposition. They are now being replaced by tables which are enclosed^[[,]] and contain drawers for the storage of material, which gave us the first set of drawers for such a purpose. ^[[This is a great improvement.]]

[[strikethrough]] According to the present arrangement, [[/strikethrough]] I have endeavored to arrange[[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] the objects coming from different countries so that they shall be grouped together and to employ the taller upright cases so as to divide these countries ^[[as]] by screens, which will be apparent to the eye and so form the remblance of a room or chamber [[strikethrough]] which shall be [[/strikethrough]] adapted to each country. [[strikethrough]] ^[[Slate I]] [[/strikethrough]]

^[[The room]] At the extreme east of the [[strikethrough]] room [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Hall]] is [[strikethrough]] that room [[/strikethrough]] devoted to European prehistoric objects. In the line of wall cases along the north side of the Hall are displayed the objects from Mexico, Central