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and South America, ^[[In]] The ^[[foyer]] in the center of the Hall, used as an entrance, are displayed special objects which owing to their size and condition could not be properly displayed elsewhere. 

The first display seen on entering is in the synoptical case^[[s]] [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] which [[strikethrough]] there is [[/strikethrough]] ^[[are]] arranged geographically, chronologically and in sequence; on the left are six cases representing the prehistoric anthropology of the Eastern Hemisphere, so far as we have [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] objects for that purpose. The first two cases are occupied with the first epoch of the Stone Age which has been called by different names, by difference scientists corresponding to the Chelleen Epoch of de Mortillet, the Cave Bear of Lartet, the Mammoth of Dupont, and the Alluvium of Solomon Reinach. This epoch is divided according the localities from which the various objects displayed have come. England is first represented and the divisions are made into southeast and southwest of that country; France is represented into divisions showing the northern, central, eastern