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[[circled]] 64 [[/circled]]

[[underlined]] Cebus capucinus [[/underlined]],  Sept. 14, 1966, IV

9:20 am. Sub-adult pulls and pushes vigorously at branches. Also knocks one branch against another. Obviously at least partly hostile to us. [[underlined]] Silent. Little or no facial expression [[/underlined]].

Kite still with group 9:28 am.

Then I go on to what seems to be front of band. 1 or 2 adults. Quite silent!

[[underlined]] Adults probably are much quieter, on average, than young [[/underlined]]

Then hear some L Trll. Can't see who is doing it, or why. Quite brief. Not accompanied by other sounds.

Then a whole burst of [[circled]] AlB-Q [[/circled]]'s [[underlined]] Very contagious [[/underlined]]. Followed by Screams and L Trll's by one ind. Fight???  Then all peaceful again.

Shortly after this, all or most of band moves off rapidly and silently. We lose them!

Find them again 9:53. Burst of MGB's and brief M's as we approach. Then everything quiet. Then hear a few ambiguous sounds which may be [[underlined]] single [[/underlined]] BB Notes.

These notes were uttered just after Oppenheimer threw bread on ground. According to Oppenheimer, double BB Notes can function as "Summons" (viz H of [[underlined]] Aotus [[/underlined]], and W of [[underlined]] Saguinus [[/underlined]]!!!!!!) But these single notes don't produce any obvious effect.

Then 1 juv comes down to get bread.  Utters M's and/or [[circled]] MGB-M [[/circled]]'s descending and ascending.  But silent on ground itself.

10:15am.  "Mid morning rest period."  Adult [[female symbol]] groom