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[[handwritten]][[strikethrough]] 19[[/strikethrough]]12[[handwritten]]

Central and South America; obsidian from California and Mexico; gold objects and ornaments from Chiriqui and from Antioquia, ^[[Central & South America;]] plaster models of mounds, aboriginal towns and monuments belonging to Indian tribes; and, for purposes of comparison, numerous objects from the modern North American Indian were shown in the glass case duly labeled with the tribe, locality and special point of comparison indicated. 

The collection was arranged in groups so that a single label would comprise as many objects as possible. The labels were prepared with care, printed on herbarium board and displayed with the objects so as to be easily read by the public.
Upon the request of the Assistant Secretary, the curator of this department arranged his private collection of laces in historic sequence, according to their various kinds, epochs [[strikethrough]],[/strikethrough]] ^[[and]] countries, and prepared them for display at the Exposition at Chicago. They were assigned to ^[[the]] Department of Ethnology, devoted to woman's work, and were in the Woman's Building.