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Ceremonial [[strikethrough]] weapons [[/strikethrough]] ^[[objects]], which have been displayed technologically. 

The various objects as they are received and ready for display, must be displayed in their proper locality according to this arrangement. [[strikethrough]] This occasionally results in crowding the specimens, but the receipt of the cases of drawers, which serve as stands for the glass double slope-topped cases, has afforded an opportunity for storage in the propr locality. [[/strikethrough]]

This Department is becoming crowded and there is necessity for an increase of room. Not only does this over-crowding detract from good appearance, but, if additional room was given, there could be, not only marked divisions made in what [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] ^[[are]] now placed too close together, but there could be seggregations according to different relationships and localities which would greatly increase the value and good appearance of the Museum. 

The record of office work shows 408 letters written and sent; 182 reports made; and 3590 pages of type-written matter.