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[[underlined]] Bib. 93 [[/underlined]] ]]

THOMAS WILSON. (Anthropological Notes in the [[underlined]] American Naturalist [[/underlined]].)

Man and the Mylodon. No. 307, July, 1892, pp. 629-631.
Importance of the Science and of the Department of Prehistoric Anthropology. No. 308, August, 1892, pp. 681-690. No. 310, October, 1892, pp. 809-816.
International Congress of Americanists. No. 315, March, 1893, pp. 300-305. No. 318, June, 1893, pp. 579-581.
Language vs. Anatomy in determining Human Races. No. 318, June, 1893, pp. 581-582.
The Nephrite of New Zealand. No. 318, June, 1893, pp. 582-583.

THOMAS WILSON. (American Antiquarian).
Ancient Etruria. Vol. XV., No.1, pp. 25-32.

^[[Report of Dept. of P.A. for.]]