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THOMAS WILSON. (Anthropological Department in the [[underline]]American Naturalist [[/underline]].)

[[underline]] Eighth International Congress of Americanists, Paris, 1890. [[/underline]] ^[[]XXVII]] No. 320, August, 1893.  pp. 755-761.

[[left margin: stenographic marks in pencil, unknown content]]

The History and Geography of America. --- The name AMERICA was given to the Western Continent at St. Die, near Nancy, France.   It was in honor of Americus Vespucci, and was first published by Waldseemuller [[strikethrough]]under[[/strikethrough]] ^[[in]] his [[underline]]Cosmographia Introductio[[/underline]].   This question was settled in the affirmative, and against the theory that the name came from the Cordilleras of Nicaragua.   Other papers were on Scandinavian Discoveries of America, The Culture of the Banana in America,  Items in the life of Columbus ^[&c.]]

American Anthropology. --- Plurality of Types in America;  Paleolithic Age Possible in America, by Thomas Wilson;  The Earliest American;  Cliff Dwellers of the Sierra Madre;  Dental Deformation Among American Indians;  Fuegan Anthropology;  American Archaeology;  Textile Decoration of Prehistoric Pottery in Russia and America, by Prince Poutjatine and Mr. Wilson;  Chronological Classification of Prehistoric Monuments in America;  Archaeology in Central America.

Ethnography. --- Hunt of the Sacred Eagles among the Zuñis, by Capt. John G. Fourke;  Mexico and Guatemala, by Dr. Seler, Mrs. Nuttall and others.

[[underline]]Ninth International Congress of Americanists[[/underline]]. ^[[XXVII]] No. 321. September, 1893.   pp. 838-840.

[[left margin: stenographic marks in pencil, unknown content]]

Describes the magnificent display of the Government fete at Huelva, Spain, in commemoration of the Four Hundredth Anniversary of Columbus' Discovery of America.  Incidental thereto and part of it [[strikethrough]]his[[/strikethrough]], was the Ninth International Congress of Americanists, but [[strikethrough]]which[[/strikethrough]] amid the pomp [[strikethrough]]and ceremony[[/strikethrough]] of the occasion, the [[strikethrough]]main[[/strikethrough]] question of America was lost sight of to a great extent.

[[underline]]The Exposicion Historico-Americano, Madrid, Spain, 1892.[[/underline]] ^[[XXVII]] No..321, September, 1893, pp. 840 - 843.  No. 322, October, 1893, pp. 907-912.

Descriptive of the Palace, the Biblioteca and Belle Art is

Transcription Notes:
document appears to have been handwritten- proofed by someone