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[[circled]] 7 [[/circled]]


[[underlined]]DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIMENS[[/underlined]].
The following statement indicates the distribution of archaeological specimens by the National Museum during the year ending June 30, 1894.

To M. Gabriel de Mortillet, St. Germain-en-Laye, Paris, France: A grooved stone maul. Sent Aug. 24th, 1893.

To L.L.Frost, Susanville, Cal: A grooved axe. Exchange for Acc: 27168. Sent Aug. 24, 1893.

To Madam Matheron Seville, Grand Pressigny, France: Two arrow-heads. Exchange for Acc: 27327. Sent Sept. 12, 1893.

To the Department of Historical Collections, Capitol Building, Des Moines, Iowa: 99 specimens - Miscellaneous. Sent Sept. 14th, 1893. (Hon. W. B. Allison, c/o Charles Aldrich.)

To E. J. Taylor, Washington, D.C.: 68 specimens - Miscellaneous.
Exchange for Acc: 27984. Sent Dec. 20th, 1893.

To the Jefferson County Library, Fairfield, Iowa:   99 specimens -
99 specimens - Miscellaneous.  Sent Feb. 28th 1894.
[[underline]]175 [[/underline]] " " "[[ditto for specimens- Miscellaneous. Sent]] March 10th 1894.
274 (Hon. J.F.Wilson.)

To H. W. Williamson, New Galilee, Pa.: 50 arrow-heads. Exchange for Accession Nos. 20895, 21495 and 24838. Sent Feb. 28th, 1894.

To the Trocadero Museum, Paris, France, c/o Dr. E. Hamy:  248 specimens - Miscellaneous Collection.  Sent March 6th, 1894

To the Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio:  336 specimens - Miscellaneous Collection.   Sent March 23rd, 1894 (Judge C.C.Baldwin.)

To the Canadian Institute, Toronto, Canada: 181 specimens - Miscellaneous collection.  Sent June 13th, 1894.   (Dr. David Boyle.)

To the Field[[strikethrough]]'s[[/strikethrough]] Columbian Museum, Chicago, Illinois, c/o T.J.Skiff: 14 specimens.  Miscellaneous.  Sent June 19th, 1894.  Specimens selected by W.H.Holmes.

Total number distributed during Fiscal Year - 1274.

Transcription Notes:
it appears that this page comprises three sheets of paper, glued (?) together: the top with the pencil number and Thomas Wilson stamp, the central with header and most accessions, and the bottom with the last 5 accessions and total.