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FISH COMMISSION, U.S. C.H. Townsend, Collector. Eight objects from Kitchen Midden, Aggattii Island, Alaska. Gift. 29074

FURMAN, Jr. - C.M. (Clemson College, S.C.) One stone tube from South Carolina, showing process of manufacture. Purchased for Ten Dollars. 28809. 

GANNAWAY, C.B. (520 Garrison Ave., Fort Smith, Arkansas.) One ceremonial object of hard yellow quartz from Scott County, Arkansas. Purchased for Five Dollars. 29408. 

GREENWOOD, G.B.G. (Minerva, Ohio.) Twenty-nine rude chipped implements from Carroll County, Ohio. Exchanges. 28819 and 29108.

HALES, HENRY (Ridgewood, N.J.) Two hundred and twenty-six objects from Prehistoric Ruins, Tule Rosa Canyon, New Mexico. Purchased at the World's Columbian Exposition by the Bureau of Ethnology. 26917.

JOHNSON, J.L. (Duffield, Va.) Two hundred and twenty-eight objects - contents of cave occupied by prehistoric man near Duffield, Va. Gift on payment of boxing and transport,- Five Dollars. 29105.

LA PLATA MUSEUM (Bue[[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]] n [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[o]] s Ayres, S.A.) F.P. Moreno, Curator: Eleven large pottery vases from Argentina. Gift and Exchange. 29409.

MAGRUDER. MRS. E. ^ [[A.]] H. (Washington, D.C.) One hundred and twenty Roman and Etruscan Antiquities. Deposit. 28776.

MAYER, JOHN C. (Texas) Two arrow-heads from Texas, [[strikethrough]] Gift [[/strikethrough]]. 28662. Three jasper chipped implements. 29001. Four hundred and seventy-seven rude chipped implements, workshop (?) 29390. Gift.

McWILLIAMS, H.B. (West Charlton, N.Y.) Seventy-eight objects. [[underline]] Cache [[/underline]] of leaf-shaped implements from Saratoga, N.Y. Gift. 28706 and 28884.