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^[[7 3/4]]

Two gentlemen visitors, C. R. Handy, Leesburg, Ohio, and R. K. Larkin, Highland, Ohio, entered this Wet Cave and, pushing through the long narrow and intricate passage, indicated on the right of the plan, found some material, substance, entirely unknown to all of us.[[the letter I circled]] He brought it out and submitted it, whereupon they conducted us to the deposit, and I entered the cave and pursued the entire length of this opening and found the unknown substance at the extreme end in a bank at the place marked with a cross. The passage was about 250 feet long, was extremely narrow, crooked, low, and difficult to pass.  Its floor was covered with mud and water, which made it annoying, as well as difficult to traverse.  Arrived, we found a bank of this substance, from which we cut out pieces and brought to daylight.  Still unable to identify it ^[[I]] Sent a package to Prof. Merrill, my colleague, who recognizes it as being ^[[halloysite & sent me the heretoattached letter on the subject.]]