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We returned to Bainbridge and thence started for Hocking County, east of the Scioto.  We travelled by the mail-wagon to Chillicothe, by private team to Adelphi and thence by a relay to Rock House on Salt Creek, ten miles over the Hocking Mountain.  Our route lay in the valley, following up the stream, until within a mile of our destination, when we began the ascent of a steep and rugged hill by an extremely rough road.  Arrived, we found an old-fashioned ^[[but]] extensive farm-house, the property of Col. Kennon of Logan, Hocking County, which was rented for use as a summer-resort for the well-to-do people of the neighborhood from Chillicothe, Circleville, &c.  This was on the Headwaters of Salt Creek and was entirely different in its formation than that on Paint Creek.  We repaired immediately to the Caverns which we found to consist [[strikethrough]] more [[/strikethrough]] ^[[?]] of enormous rock-shelters believ3ed to have been worn in the sand-stone by erosion and weathering.  The immense ledge of sand-stone, nigh a hundred feet thick, came nearly to the top of the ground [[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] ^[[on the hill up which we had climbed,]] its ledge was exposed on the side oft he gorge, which was two or three hundred feet below, and the entire thickness