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Concluding our visit to the caves and monuments in Hocking County, we returned to Circleville and devoted a couple of days to searches for the great Shawnee Indian towns reported to have been on the Pickaway Plains. The pioneer history of the state shows these to have been three in number, with Cornstalk as the, or one of the, chiefs whose town was located between the Sippo and Congo Creeks on what is now the farm of Mr. Daniel Ludwig, the south half of Section #7, Tp. 10, Range 21, east of Scioto River, and of the Jesse Spencer Survey, 1799 and 1800. We found one burial of an Indian girl, on the farm of Mr. Highlett, near Black Mountain in the immediate neighborhood. She had on her arms a copper bracelet of Indian manufacture, and what had apparently formed a belt around her waist covered with bead-work. The beads were extremely small and of white glass. We found 275 of them.