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I also visited the [[strikethrough]]great and[[/strikethrough]]noted place in the Pioneer[[strikethrough]]s'[[/strikethrough]] history of Ohio - the Logan Elm, located on the south half of the southwest quarter of Section 19, Tp.10, Range 21, east of Scioto River, Survey of Jesse Shepherd. I found it to be a [[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]] ^[[huge]] elm tree bearing every evidence of antiquity; and if any tree in the neighborhood was the "Logan Elm" it was most likely to have been this. It was situation on the south bank of the Etticango Creek. We spanned it and found it to be 18 feet in circumference, near 6 feet in diameter. Its branches covered a circle which we measured to be 145 feet in diameter. On the hillside near it, was the monument erected to Maj. John Boggs, the grandfather of the [[strikethrough]]present[[/strikethrough]] owner and builder of the monument. The monument told of the settlement of that country by the builder's grandfather and the erection of his cabin on its site. It had a bronze placque 2-1/2 feet long and 1-1/2 feet high, representing the attack made by the Indians, the escape of the mother with the two children into the forest, and the secreting of the husband and father behind the corner of the cabin, and his firing upon the Indians, who were