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DAMON, W. P.  (West Auburn, Maine).  Collection of arrow- and spear-heads, grooved axes, gouges, grooved sinkers, and a pendant or plummet, from various localities near Auburn, Maine.  Exchange.  30208.  (12 specimens).

CHITTENDEN, NEWTON H.  (Mill River, Berkshire Co., Mass).  Rude chipped implements of syenite, quartzite and porphyritic felsite, from Arlington and Hyde Park, Mass; A small vessel of basalt from Cliff Ruins, Walnut Canon, Arizona; A carved image of volcanic lava and a musical instrument of terra cotta (flageolet) from ancient ruins in Mexico; A carved pipe of black slate from Vancouver Island, British Columbia.  Gift.  30486.  (10 specimens)

MOOREHEAD, WARREN K.  (Columbus, Ohio).  Pottery vessels, grooved axes of hematite, copper hatchet, flint spear-heads and drills, drilled tablet, plummets or sinkers of polished stone, and carved stone pipes, from various localities in Ohio.  Lent for study.  30487.  (17 specimens)

JOHNSON, CAPT. J. R.  (Pittsburg, Pa.).  Pottery vessels from mounds in Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee.  Exchange.  30588.  (8 specimens).

WEIR, PAUL  (Owensboro, Kentucky).  Large chipped digging implements, arrow- and spear-heads, and scrapers, all of flint, from various localities in Kentucky.  Gift.  30619.  (49 specimens).

PLUMB, J. NEALE.  (#70 West 38th Street, New York, N. Y.)  Three bone whistles from an ancient grave, San Clemente Id. California.  Gift.  30512.

[[end-note mark]][[strikethrough]]HORNIMAN MUSEUM  (Forest Hill, London, S.E., England), through Richard Quick, Curator.[[/strikethrough]]  Bones of horse, cow and goat found in the Roman level (14 specimens), and a human skull, victim of the Plague of 1349.  (Addition to Acc:29853).

[[end-note mark]](Addition to Steiner Collection)  Leaf-shaped implement, spear-head, perforator, small stone carving, dice for gambling, turquoise pendant; (6 specimens) 29912.  Grooved axe, flint perforator (2 specimens) 30420.  Deposited.