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"Capture of Uxellodunum, or Caesar's Last Siege in Gaul," before Army and Navy Club on March 16, and Caledonian Club on April 2, 1896.

"The Northwest and its Relation to the Treaty of Ghent," before the Men's Society, Church of the Covenant, April 17; and Sons of the American Revolution, Ebbitt House, April 8, 1896.

[[underline]]Papers written[[/underline]]:--

"Arkansas Traveller;" "Description of Lace" (for Atlanta); "Law of Evidence;" "Report on Visit to Ohio Caves in Ross and Hocking Counties," "Jade" (Sent to Mr. Moorehead for publication); Labels for Atlanta (Pottery and Lace); "Catalogue of Atlanta Display;" "Description of Display at Atlanta" (For Dr. Goode's Catalogue - 250 words); Review of Prof. Mason's "Woman's Share in Primitive Culture" and of his "Origin of Inventions;" "Classification of Arrow- and Spear-heads" and "Antiquity of the Red Indian in America," for Congress of Americanists, Mexico; "Claims against the United States;" "Lesson for Free Traders - Balance against the U. S. - What does it mean?" (to Editor Washington Post); "Trepanation," "Primitive Medicine;" "Reminescence of Gov. Shepard's Visit to Washington in 1887" (Evening Star); "Prehistoric Fine Art;" "Prehistoric Musical Instruments," "Giants;" "Prehistoric Agriculture;" "Forgivness of Sins;" "Doubts as to One's Religion;" "Sketch of Mr. Thomas Wilson's Life;" "The True Story of Blue-Beard" (269 typewritten pages);" "History of the Pennsylvania R.R." (for Mr. Watkins); "Types of Objects" (for S.I.Half-Century Book); "Marriage Laws in the D.C.;" "Etruscan Art;" [[strikethrough]]"Prehistoric Art and Architecture;"[[/strikethrough]]

[[underline]]Special Work[[/underline]]:—

Preparing Prehistoric Anthropologic exhibit and Lace Exhibit for Atlanta Exposition - (transparencies, Ogam stone, pottery; Setting up the same at the Exposition at Atlanta.


Miss Frances Weiser has been employed in my office at various times during the fiscal year according as I had need of her services in making illustrations for the various papers I had in progress.  The following is a statement of her work and of my payments.  She has been paid in full.--

[[table - 3 columns]]

1894 Oct.4, (Cash $25. - 15. - 15. - 8.) | $63.45 |
Nov.15 (Check #167) | 16.50 |
Dec. 6 ( " [[ditto for "Check"]] 170) | 5.00 |
1895 Mch. 10 ( " [[ditto for "Check"]] 201) from Waring | 6.25 |
" [[ditto for "Mch."]] 27 ( " [[ditto for "Check"]] 206) 60 from Waring |  25.00 |
Apr.11 ( " [[ditto for "Check"]] 209) 21 " " [[ditto for "from Waring]] | 4.00 |
May 1 (Cash) | 4.25 |
" [[ditto for "May"]] 22(Check #217) | 6.50 | $130.95

Transcription Notes:
Handwritten notations next to first 2 paragraphs and the number 14. Did not know how to annotate this.