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ADLER, DR. FELIX.  ( ? ):    Collection of 30 specimens composed of ladle-shaped vessels of pottery (incense-burner ?), handles of ladles the lower part representing heads of reptiles, fragments of bowls ornamented in low relief, and pieces of tripod vases of painted ware. Collected by Dr. E. Palmer from a cave at Dos Caminos, 25 miles E. from Acapulco, Mexico.   (30206)   [[underline]] Exchange.[[/underline]]

EMMERT, J. W.   (Bristol, Tenn.): 394 specimens, principally from Sullivan County, Tenn.: - Leaf-shaped implements, arrow and spear-heads, scrapers and perforators of flint, quartz, quartzite and rhyolite, grooved axes, polished hatchets, pestles, a carved pipe of chlorite, ^[[a drilled stone ornament, a cupshaped ornament of steatite,]] fragments of pottery and of soapstone vessels.   (30774).   [[underline]]Purchased[[/underline]],$42.25

CANTERBURY MUSEUM,   (Christchurch, New Zealand;  F. W. Hatton, Curator):  Eleven flint knives, scrapers, etc. Rakara Camp, New Zealand.   (Maori implements.)   (30996).   [[underline]]Gift[[/underline]].

SCOTT, George H.   (Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.):   A copper spear-head found on the banks of Bar River, a small stream emptying into Lake George, Ontario, Canada.   (31095).   [[underline]]Purchased[[/underline]].

ROYAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY,   (Brussels, Belgium):   Eighty-two plaster casts of flint and bone implements, and of the skulls and bones of various animals - bear, hyaena, reindeer, etc.   Originals excavated from the different prehistoric caverns in Belgium.   (10470)   [[underline]]Exchange[[/underline]] (?)

FOSS, MULBERRY,   (Forbestown, California):   Grooved stone (sinker?), pierced club-head of stone, small paint mortar and an arrow-head of black chert double-notched on the edges near the base.   These were found in Yuba County, Cal., in a stratum of gravel at the bottom of a placer-mine, on the bed rock.   Overlying this strata there was about thirty feet of clay and loam.   (31838)   [[underline]]Gift[[/underline]].

BECKETT, H. W.   (Woodbury, N.J.):   Collection of 45 objects - arrow- and spear-heads of argillite, flint and white quartz, long narrow pointed implementd [[sic: implements]] (poniards), unfinished spear-heads of quartzite, grooved axe of diabase, and fragments of pottery; found in the vicinity of Woodbury.   (31992).   [[underline]]Gift [[/underline]].