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3. I recommend or suggest the employment of a young man as an assistant to Mr. Upham and myself, ^[[as messenger or laborer]] who will familiarize himself with the details of the department, the places in which the objects are stored, their history, an acquaintance with their appearance, so that this information, impossible to be given otherwise than by personal contact, should be preserved and rendered availavle [[sic: available]] in case of the death of either or both of us.

4. I recommend that the walls ^[[and ceiling]] of the department be painted. No amount of labor, taste or money expended on my department can ever make it attractive to the eye of the visitor until the walls shall have been restored. 

5. There has been some talk of putting galleries in different portions of the Museum, and it is now being done in certain rooms or halls. I desire to suggest in advance of action, that galleries be not placed in my large hall. I do not stop at this moment to argue the question in opposition to galleries, but before any decision should be made, I suggest that I should be heard upon the subject.