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D I S T R I B U T I O N.

   Casts of 40 Assyrian seals were presented to the University of Pennsylvania;  a like collection was sent to Professor Howard Osgood of the University of Rochester, N.Y.   10 to Professor D.G.lyon, Harvard University, 2 to Dr. Ward,  a copy of the Canopus Inscription to Lehigh University and to the Chinese Minister.

R O U T I N E  W O R K

   During the year the collections were re-arranged with the object of securing more space.   The seals copied from the originals owned by the Misses Bruce and Professor O.C.Marsh of New Haven,  referred to in the last report, were labeled and placed in the exhibition cases.   The photogravures of the Graeco-Egyptian portraits and the copies of the seals of Dr. Ward referred to above, have been placed on exhibition.
   A complete series of the casts of seals is preserved in the study series.
   In addition to the persons mentioned above, the Museum is indebted for 
co-operation and assistance to Mr. Henry Gillman U.S.Consul at Jerusalem,  Mr. W.Max Muller and Dr. F.C.H.Wendel of New York.