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[[insert "Arrow1"]][[strikethrough]]"[[/strikethrough]] The Cotton Grotto - an ancient quarry in Jerusalem with notes on ancient methods of quarrying [[strikeout]"By Doctor[[/strikeout]] [[move to "Arrow1"]]Cyrus Adler[[/move to "Arrow1"]], [[strikeout]]in "[[/strikeout]] [[underlined in pencil]Sem[[strikeout]]e[[/strikeout]]itic Studies in memory of Reverend Doctor Alexander Kohut[[underlined]] [[strikeout]"[strikeout]], Berlin, I897, pp.73-82.

[[paragraph mark]] An account of the quarry ^[[, in which reference is made]] [[strikethrough]]refers[[/strikethrough]] to some objects discovered there by the writer in I891 ^[[.]] [[strikeout]and[[/strikeout]] ^[[These objects are]] now in the National Museum.

[[insert "Arrow2"]][[strikethrough]]"[[/strikethrough]]Tell[[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]^[[-e]]t-Tin on Lake Ho[[strikethrough]]ur[[/strikethrough]]^[[m]]is, in the valley of the Orontes[[strikethrough]]"[[/strikethrough]], [[strikethrough]]by Doctor[[/strikethrough]] [[move to "Arrow2"]]I.M. Casanowicz[[/move to "Arrow2"]], [[strikethrough]]giving [[/strikethrough]] ^[[paragraph symbol]] ^[[A]][[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]] sketch of the geographical, anthropological, and archaelogical features of that region, based in part upon Museum material^[[.]] [[strikethrough]]and published in "The [[/strikethrough]] ^[[(]]Am^[[.]][[strikethrough]]erican [[/strikethrough]] Anthropoligist" vol[[/strikethrough]]X, ^[[Jan., 1898]] pp^[[.]]I3-I6.^[[)]]

[[marginalia]] Date [[/marginalia]]