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At the beginning of the month a complete set of clean labels were framed and put up. A number of temporary labels were printed on the type writer and put up,pending the printing of standard labels.

During the month a complete relief model of the site of the proposed Zoological Park was made,and sent to the Capitol for the use of Senator Beck and others. A very considerable amount of work was done during the month in connection with Senator Beck's plan for a national collection of live animals.

After the completion of work on the Exhibit to illustrate the Extermination of American Animals,which occupied considerable time,to the detriment of the menagerie,work was immediately renewed on my paper on the "Extermination of the Am. Bison" for the Museum Report. This was continued until the receipt of an urgent letter from Senator Beck.

The usual amount of correspondence and routine work has been attended to. 

Respectfully submitted,

[[signed]] W.T. Hornaday. [[/signed]]
Curator of Living Animals.